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Full (of want)

What if the ways through are also whole places? What if the ferrymen are also men,

with shoes under their beds and a changing assortment of teas in their cabinet? What if the horse moves around when you're off her?

What if my want is her own creature, her own landscape - My Want?

When she reaches for things she reaches with her hands and they are particular, they open in the way they open, she lures things with a dance that is her dance. I watch what she draws in, but what if I could turn and watch her move?

Could that feel like fulfillment? A kind satiety, full of potential?

I want to try

to give her my attention; know her - love her, maybe

for what she is.

Would she like that? Could I do it?

Let's find out.


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The Grief House is not a replacement for skilled mental health care. We cannot provide acute crisis intervention. If you’re struggling to find the help you need, we are happy to offer referrals and suggest resources. If you feel like you might hurt yourself or someone else, help is available 24 hours a day from the National Suicide Hotline

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