Grief House Story-Time Revolution
Thu, Oct 28
It's colder now, and wet here. Let's gather and review, have feelings and think. Let's read stories and talk about ideas. October Story Revolution Book - Wilding, by Isabella Tree

When & Where
Oct 28, 2021, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT
****In person book club is now full. The virtual version will stay open for people to join when every they arrive!
One lovely thing about humans is we tell each other stories.
It's a fundamental, difinative feature of our species. And exceptional - like peacocks' tail feathers or skunks' glorious stripe. No other animal does this like we do.
This remarkable adaptation can nourish us; it can keep us safe and let us know each other and our world better, deeper and more expansively.
Like any powerful thing, it can go terribly wrong; we can tell each other stories that drive wedges and feed fear, or beautifully right; we can tell each other stories that open fear into deep knowing and complex joy, and unwind danger into awe, understanding and wonder.
We'd like to spend these colder months coming together to share stories that feed us and make us strong. We would like to use stories to grow brave and devoted - to each other and the world. We'd like to practice using stories to heal ourselves and each other, and walk out with our healing wherever we go.
What do you think...want to?
Here's our idea for how:
• Every two months we'll choose a book that interacts with with the Grief House theme in some way. October and November's book is Wilding by Isabella Tree.
• Once we have our story group signed up and sorted, we'll schedule a short zoom meeting so everyone can see each other's faces and say hello.
• We'll have an option to share contact information with each other, to talk in smaller groups through out the month by text or on walks or in whatever ways work out for you.
• Sascha, Emi or Laura will post to Instagram about the book weekly - your comments there will be so welcomed!
• We'll meet all together once at the end of each month - virtually or physically depending on which group you sign up for - to talk about the book and how it shifted what we know about ourselves and the world, drink tea and eat snacks.
So simple. We hope you'll join us!
Sign up by October 10th.
Like all Grief House Gatherings this is a free event. Tax deductible donations are welcomed and appreciated!
Story Revolution
Please let us know if you are signing up for the in-person or virtual end of month gathering!
$15.00Sale endedStory Revolution
Please let us know if you are signing up for the in-person or virtual end of month gathering!
$0.00Sale ended