Fall Flamenco Gathering
Sat, Oct 22
|Wapato Island Farm
Join us for a fall vibrational gathering featuring the rhythms of Flamenco.

When & Where
Oct 22, 2022, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM PDT
Wapato Island Farm, 15115 NW Gillihan Rd, Portland, OR 97231
In autumn the forest's work is to build blankets from its dead. To shake loose leave and branches, that are done pulling energy in from the sky and ready to pour it down into the earth. It's a scary time, and hopeful, relieving and painful, messy and beautiful. All winter the forest lives off the heat and nourishment of this giving. We could be the same.
It's hard work to do without a guide. Many modern humans have lost easy access to teachers and traditions that could lead us through this season well. But these people and practices still exist; for example - Flamenco.
Flamenco comes from deep inside the messy glory of things being broken down. By offering ourselves to its rhythms - not as an audience, but as part of the vibration - we hope to find a way to honor and embrace this season's offerings.
We will gather at Wapato Island Farm, give thanks to the land then spend a few moments watching the landscape do this powerful fall work and taking stock of what we're ready to let fall.
We will come together in the hall, lie on the floor or find a cozy spot to nest, and let what's ready to shake loose, shake loose as we're blown by the sounds and vibrations of flamenco dance around us.
We will head back out to the land to be alone with her dance before gathering back in the hall to spill what needs spilling and make sound and shaking together.
To bring:
If you would like to bring a blanket or pillow to lie on in the hall, please do so!
If you would like to bring a blanket or yoga mat to lie on in the fields, please do so!
We hope you connect joyfully and messily to the vibrations this fall.
$25 -- Pay it forward ticket cost
$20 -- Actual ticket cost
$10 -- Reduced ticket cost
$5 -- Community ticket cost
No one ever turned away for lack of funds. Pay what you can to support our work.
Registration will close either the day before the event or when the event is full.
Fall Flamenco Gathering Ticket
$25 -- Pay it forward ticket cost $20 -- Actual ticket cost $10 -- Reduced ticket cost $5 -- Community ticket cost No one ever turned away for lack of funds. Pay what you can to support our work.
Pay what you want+Service feeSale ended