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Georgia Retreat

Friday January 24 - Sunday January 26

Winter Tenderness for Grief

At this retreat at Elohee in Georgia, we’ll play with the possibility that we’re held inside something that knows its way to wellness; if we listen and try to move collaboratively, the system might balance in ways we can’t think up on our own.


We’ll test this possibility by working with a particular pain or quandary. We will work with nature, each other, and our deep, wise selves to explore ways we might find a new understanding of our grief and how to move with it.

Led by Sascha & Laura.

At our house we honor complexity and integration. We believe in being whole. We invite every tangled, stranded, bright and rusty, loved, neglected part of you to be with all the silent, screaming, shining parts of us.  


Come be perfect and broken and gardening. Come be perfect and broken and dancing. 

We welcome you and your grief, whatever shape you’re in.


Let’s make a place where we can practice being alive and complicated, together.


Welcome. Let yourself in.

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