Wilderings: Overcome by Wilderness II
April 20th - 25th, 2020
April 20th: Wait until dark tonight. Go stand outside - preferably someplace you can see the moon. Bring your notepad and your pen, set your timer for 7 minutes. Look around for 5 breaths. Close your eyes for 5 breaths. Open your eyes and look around for 5 breaths...until the timer rings. Reset your timer for 7 minutes. Write or draw for 5 breaths. Stop for 5 breaths. Write or draw for 5 breaths...until the timer rings.
April 21st: Tonight after dark go outside. (If it’s raining and you can’t find shelter stand in a dark room by a window). Set your timer for 7 minutes. Close your eyes. Smell and listen. Stay where you are and reset your timer for 7 minutes. Talk out loud and write down everything you say. Don’t write down anything you don’t say.
April 22nd: Sit and watch one space. Notice anything that moves through it. Write down all the things that moved.
April 23rd: Remember a place in nature that you love. Remember with your eyes open or closed. Remember as much as you can. Next place each thing you can remember onto a list.
April 24th: Using only words you’ve written while overcome this week make a series of 5 haiku. The last word of the first haiku is the first word of the second - all the way through to the last word of the fifth which is the first word of the first.