Grief House Gatherings FAQs
At the Grief House we do our best to nurture a welcoming, inclusive environment where people from all walks of life and financial backgrounds can come together to explore their individual and communal grief.​
We are committed to offering gatherings that are accessible, affordable and inclusive.
FAQs About Our Gatherings
How Are Ticket Prices Set?
​We work with facilitators to set prices that cover their and our costs, honor their time and keep gatherings accessible to everyone in our community.
For most events, you will see tickets listed on a sliding scale (Pay it forward, Standard, Community) and, when possible, a free ticket option.
When there is not a free ticket and/or when the community ticket exceeds your financial means, the Grief House can often supply a scholarship ticket (times this is not feasible is for events or retreats where we would risk sustainability for ourselves or the facilitator). Reach out at info@griefhouse.org.
We ask participants to come to this space as co-creaters of this grief community, thus we ask each person to assess their means in this moment and choose the option that best fits.
Is The Grief House Accessible to Folks With A Range of Physical Needs?
The Grief House operates out of two buildings (in Portland & Atlanta) and partnering spaces. Partnering space accessibility will vary, however here are the details for our Portland and Atlanta spaces:
Portland – Our building is currently not wheelchair accessible (we are working on grant funding that would allow us to make it so). Much of the year we have (and can have) events in our garden area. This space is wheelchair accessible and we would be happy to accommodate participants in wheelchairs by moving events outdoors when feasible.
The Portland House is the residence of a large friendly cat and a tiny friendly dog. Both are often present at events.
Atlanta – Our building is wheelchair accessible through the back entrance. There is an accessible bathroom and entrance into our main programming room will allow for a wheelchair.
What Are Masking Protocols?
The Grief House follows CDC guidelines regarding masking recommendations and sometimes exceeds these recommendations – depending upon the type of event, location of event, collaborator and participant needs.
We ask that anyone who is feeling sick (and doesn’t know their illness is not contagious) stay home.
Most events, unless otherwise noted, are currently unmasked.
Folks are welcome to wear masks.
There may be events that need masking (due to emergent needs) and masks will be provided upon arrival.
If you'd like to attend an event that doesn't require masking, but your personal circumstances require masks - contact us at info@griefhouse .org and we'll put you in touch with the facilitator. Most times masking needs can be accommodated by the group.
How Do I Know Where This Gathering Is Being Held?
The Grief House offers in person gatherings in Portland, OR and Atlanta, GA. Local time zones will be reflected in each of those gatherings.
For virtual Grief House gatherings, the time zone is indicated in each gathering. Make note of whether it is listed for pacific / eastern, etc.