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Parent & Caregiver Grief Spill

Tue, Sep 10



Join us one Tuesday of the month to share your caregiving grief, in whatever form it is showing up for you, in community with us. Whether you are caring for a baby or a grown child, you are welcome here.

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Parent & Caregiver Grief Spill
Parent & Caregiver Grief Spill

When & Where

Sep 10, 2024, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PDT




The natural world doesn't make things that aren't useful. Even painful things - fires and floods and every kind of death - support abundance. We are part of nature. What if the world needs our grief like it needs every other naturally occurring thing? What if keeping grief inside robs the ecosystem of someting vital and nourishing? What if letting grief out is generous?

Caring for children can lead to so many large and small losses. It can be hard to find a time and a space to share these accumulated losses. 

At this gathering, after some settling in, we'll each take a few minutes to spill our grief in whatever way feels right. We might talk about a thing that happened or is happening, things that are missing or out-staying their welcome, things that we expected and haven't received, or things that we didn't expect and did receive. When one of us is making their offering the rest will listen. 

We'll save a little time at the end of our gathering to thank each other and ground before we close. Let us see if we come together to share our grief about our parenting journey if we can find strength in community and usefulness in our losses.

Sascha Demerjian, Grief House co-founder, will be leading this group with occasional co-facilitators. 

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The Grief House is not a replacement for skilled mental health care. We cannot provide acute crisis intervention. If you’re struggling to find the help you need, we are happy to offer referrals and suggest resources. If you feel like you might hurt yourself or someone else, help is available 24 hours a day from the National Suicide Hotline

(1-800-273-8255) or by dialing or texting 988.

If you are having a medical emergency, please dial 911.

All are welcome here. This is an LGBTQ+ and BIPOC-affirming place.

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